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Bondi Body At-Home IPL Laser Review: "It's an extraordinary and rather space-age thing"

Here’s what we thought of the Bondi@home IPL Laser…

bondi laser
June 13, 2022
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The Bondi@home is a glorious thing to look at. Like a Barbarella laser gun from the 1960s, its white and gold curves are easy on the eye and the hold.

Pop on the shades which are required to wear when zapping those hairs, and you really feel like you're part of a futurist film set, in which bristles are a thing of the ancient past.

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bondi ipl laser

Bondi Laser @ Home, £199, Bondi Body


The controls of this device are easy to manage with the ability to vary the intensity of the beam and the easy option of an automatic rhythm which means you glide the machine across your skin whilst it sends zaps of light in three-second bursts.

However, trusting your depilation to the Bondi@home is a complex matter of trust. The instructions tell you to work with hairs of 1mm – 5mm length and for many of us (well, this writer at least) that is the equivalent of already being hairless. So, one zaps away at hairless legs in the steady, futuristic rhythm of white light with no apparent evidence that anything is changing other than a slight stinging sensation on one's skin.

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ipl kit

The Bondi@home promises visible results within 5 weeks

The Bondi@home is recommended for no more than weekly or twice use, so this journey of trust is also one of patience. Setting up a nice Sunday routine seems to be the solution. Shaving ready for a Saturday night, knowing that despite one's smooth-skinned fantasies, hair growth is already present by Sunday evening, and zapping away with faith is a reliable path. If able to make it a luxurious experience, along with a face pack and nails, the whole thing can feel rather indulgent.

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And then suddenly, on about weeks 3-4, you can begin to see results, or perhaps feel them. In the intervening week between "treatments" shaving just hasn't been as necessary. Suddenly you feel like you're just not as hairy as you once were (and begin to wonder whether it's an age thing). It's an extraordinary and rather space-age thing.

At present, two months into regular usage, this writer is still attempting a weekly ritual, but that is the only shave of the week. She hasn't risked her more delicate regions yet – but has every intention of doing so when the in-between regrowth can be countenanced.

All in all, the Bondi@home requires patience and routine but results in a stunning and long-lasting change to the lifetime challenge of finding real, long-lasting hair reduction.

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