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Tried and tested: the best new fitness classes for 2016

January 28, 2016
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If your new year's resolution was to get in shape and you're finding your motivation already waning, it could be time to mix up your fitness routine. The HELLO! Online team has tried and tested a wide range of new classes to determine which ones make for the best workouts (and are the most fun!).

Click through to find out what we discovered…


Class: Edge Cycle BootcampReviewed by: Julie

"I'm not the keenest of cyclists, but I liked that this class mixed both cycling and floor work, to focus on core strength – ideal when you're trying to work towards abs! I'd tried a spinning class before but if you haven't, Edge Cycle run a free half hour-long 'Learn to Ride' induction class that helps beginners make sure they're cycling properly so you don't risk injuries.

"The class was a lot of fun, but definitely a challenge – it's high interval training including climbs and sprints, alongside floor work which includes lifting weights and doing burpees. It's a full body workout, although there's not too much emphasis on the legs because you work those so much when cycling.

"I thought the atmosphere in the class was great and you feel really motivated throughout, so I'll definitely be trying out more – the class format is often changed so even the most regular fitness fans will be challenged! They also have a wide range of other classes I'm tempted by, including Edge Fight Club (cycling and martial art), or even Edge Yoga which includes a yoga practice to calm the body and mind – sounds like a great way to unwind!"

For more information head to


Class: Barrecore Powered by Booty Barre: Virgin ActiveReviewed by: Hattie

"I'm a firm lover of all things fitness and health – my weekly routine is made up of a mix of Pilates, Zumba and swimming - but I’d always wanted to try Barrecore, having seen it all over my Instagram feed. Looking back, I wish I’d tried it earlier! As a clumsy person, doing a class that made me feel graceful and elegant whilst working out my entire body couldn’t be more perfect. Barrecore combines a mixture of ballet, strength and conditioning.

"Previous dance experience is by no means necessary so don’t let that put you off - your teacher will carefully guide you through every movement and help you with your posture when necessary. If you want to look and feel healthier and the idea of aspiring to be Darcey Bussell for an hour is right down your street, then this is the class for you!

"According to Della Bhujoo, the Barrecore instructor who masterly taught the class I attended, 'Barrecore gives your body, especially your backside, a full workout that blends ballet, Pilates and yoga into flowing movements, set to a beat that keeps your heart rate up whilst maintaining control. When you come to a class expect a lot of plié work, squats on demi-pointe… and to feel the burn. It's the only class on the market that I know gives quick results - just by doing two classes a week you see you shape change within four weeks if not sooner.'"

For more information head to


Class: Hot Yoga SocietyReviewed by: Claire

"I've been practicing hot bikram yoga for four years, and have become a huge fan of the Hot Yoga Society in London Bridge. The bikram approach consists of 26 postures and two breathing exercises, practiced in a room heated to 40 degrees with 60 per cent humidity. This sounds a bit scary at first, but this temperature is actually perfect for helping you to get the most out of your practice.

"After years of dance classes, spinning classes and two marathons, I was really struggling to find something new and different which offered the same challenge. Hot bikram yoga provided the answer to everything I was looking for – a challenging workout which didn't put a strain on my joints but still worked every muscle in my body. I have always been prone to breakouts and have found that doing bikram yoga also helps to clear my skin.

"Once I'm in the studio I shake off any tension built up throughout the day with 90 minutes to myself of complete calm. Hot Yoga Society is a feel good way to stay healthy and toned – it's without a doubt my exercise of choice."

For more information head to


Class: David Lloyd Your Health and FitnessReviewed by: Chloe

"After trying everything from running to Zumba with varying degrees of success, I turned to David Lloyd's Your Health and Fitness programme to see if a more personalised approach could help me to achieve my fitness goals.

"This programme is completely personalised and tailored to you, and starts with Your Stats, which uses a Boditrax machine to give an insight into everything from body fat to metabolic age within seconds. My results were detailed and insightful, giving a basis for my personal trainer to devise a training plan that was the complete opposite to what I had been doing – no more long runs on the treadmill and more burpees, squats and weights.

"Further insight comes from the DNA swab, which tests selected genes to determine a number of factors that may affect your health, including food intolerances and the way your body recovers after exercise. The result? A personalised fitness and nutrition plan that is guaranteed to work for you."

Currently available at nine David Lloyd clubs. For full details visit


Class: Seen on ScreenReviewed by: Yara

"If you want a confidence boost, Seen on Screen has the workout for you. I headed to a beginners class themed to the tune of Justin Bieber's hit song Sorry in their Tottenham Court Road studio – they also have classes all over London and Manchester – expecting to feel out of my depth, but the routine was easy to follow and the enthusiasm from the other class members was really encouraging.

"The premise of the class is to learn to dance like your favourite stars, from Justin Timberlake to Beyoncé and Britney – and it really delivers. Moves such as body rolls and hip pops ensure you get a full workout, and it's really entertaining – you can even learn how to perfect your superstar strut. Not only will you have fun, but you feel like a diva – what more could you possibly want?"

For more information head to

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