Jennifer Aniston is making her directorial debut to shoot her first short film. The popular former Friends actress has been taking a break from life in front of the camera for the Reel Moments project – where three real-life sagas by magazine readers are adapted for screen by Hollywood stars.
Her directing skills have already been praised by veteran actor Kris Kristofferson who is working with the multi-talented 37-year-old on Room 10. "I have so much respect for Jennifer as an actress," he enthused, "It's very easy for me to take direction from her." Jen also directs Sean Penn's wife Robin Wright Penn in the flick which is set in a hospital emergency room.
The novice director was inspired to get involved after watching Gwyneth Paltrow's efforts in 2005. "I had seen Gwyneth's last year... and I heard about the project, and thought it was fantastic," she says. Pregnant actress Bryce Dallas Howard is also directing one of the short films, following in the footsteps of her famous dad, Ron Howard, who made The Da Vinci Code.
It's been a good year professionally for Jen who seems to be firmly back on track after her divorce from Brad Pitt nearly 12 months ago. She achieved big box office success with her flick the Break Up and found love with her gregarious leading man, Vince Vaughn. The couple, who appeared in a video together at the Teen Choice Awards on Sunday, walked away with the Movie Chemistry Award for their performance in the hit romantic comedy.