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In an extremely rare move, The Queen has agreed to present Prince Harry and his fellow soldiers with campaign medals for service in Afghanistan. According to reports in the Sun newspaper the 81-year-old monarch will do the honours at an hour-long awards ceremony at the Prince's barracks in Windsor Castle.
She will officiate as hundreds of soldiers in the Household Cavalry regiment mark their return from the front line with a procession through the Berkshire town.
"She knows how much her grandson wanted to come out to Afghanistan and the job he signed up for," said an Army source. "It will be a proud moment for them both."
Since September 11, 2001, all soldiers serving in Afghanistan on Operation Veritas have been given the medal bearing the Queen's head.
And there was another bit of good news for the Prince at the weekend. The third in line to the throne, who is currently a second lieutenant, will be made a full lieutenant next month after completing two years in the Army. His salary will rise to reflect the promotion, going from ₤23,475 to ₤28,216 a year.