Though she recently popped back to her former home town of Geneva for a weekend trip, Denmark's newest princess, Marie, isn't yearning for her old single life. Far from it, the wife of Queen Margrethe's son Joachim is looking forward to the day when the newlyweds can add to their family.
"Everyone knows I want to have children, kids are so sweet," said the France-born royal, who is a loving stepmother to her husband's boys, Nikolai and Felix.
She added: "It's a private matter. But there are always reports that I'm pregnant every week, so perhaps they'll be right one day."
In the meantime Marie has plenty on her plate picking up the reins of her new role. This includes choosing which charities she'll support and adjusting to life in the rural environs of the couple's Schackenborg Castle home, which lies 250 kilometres from Copenhagen in South Jutland.
Luckily, the former city girl's closeness to her new husband means that's been relatively easy. "It's perfect being with him all day. We're good friend and that's the best. That's why you get married."