While, unlike their genuinely regal counterparts, they may not allow hordes of sightseers to traipse around their place, celebrity royalty Posh and Becks have come up with another way of sharing the intimacy of their home with their loyal followers.
The Spice Girl singer’s newly launched site, www.victoriabeckham.mu, takes visitors on a tour of a cartoon vision of Beckingham Palace, the couple’s £3.5 million, mock Georgian home in Hertfordshire. “Guests” are met at the door by a cyber Victoria, dressed in a crop top and mini-skirt, who greets them by saying: “Welcome to Beckingham Palace. Come in and take a look around.”
Sights inside the seven-bedroom mansion include a throne room, complete with mummy and daddy thrones and a smaller one for baby Brooklyn, plus a black and white Audrey Hepburn bathroom featuring a life-size statue of the late star.
By clicking on the door marked Brooklyn’s bedroom, visitors get to see a Disney-esque representation of the toddler’s room complete with a jumping frog on the bed, a closet full of clothes and his soft toys. There are also games, video footage, competitions and a forum.
Speaking in a radio interview, Victoria, who took part in a 30-minute live webcast to mark the official launch of the Virgin Records run site, described it as “what designers imagine our house to be, and it is quite accurate – it's very funny”.