It seems that Boris Becker has marriage on his mind once again. Barely six months after he and his wife Barbara Feltus’ decree nisi went through the courts, the former Wimbledon champion is reported to have the wedding planners in. And his lucky bride to be? None other than Barbara Feltus Becker.
The model and mother-of-two’s American lawyer Samuel Burstyn told a Berlin paper that there could well be a reconciliation between his client and the 33-year-old sportsman. BZ newspaper reports that the two had made “the first positive steps in the right direction towards a new relationship. They’re open to it,” Burstyn continued. “This situation makes it possible for her to start a new relationship with Boris.”
The couple have been spending more and more time together with their children in the past several weeks and have even booked adjoining hotel suites in an Austrian hotel, while “Boom Boom” plays in a veterans’ tournament there. The change in Barbara’s feelings towards her ex-husband were down to Boris’ commitment to her and the children, Noah Gabriel and Elias Balthasar, according to the US legal eagle.
“It has always meant a great deal to Barbara that her children love and respect their father,” stated Burstyn. Should they decide on a remarriage I would draw up a pre-nuptial contract to avoid any future disputes.”
It was the paternity suit brought upon him by Russian model Angela Ermakova that cost him the marriage in the first place, but half-American, half-German Barbara has been allegedly swayed by several heart-to-hearts of the “it will never happen again” variety.