Kevin Spacey, Dame Judi Dench, Vanessa Redgrave and a host of celebrities turned out for a recent gala benefit at London’s Old Vic theatre, raising £400,000 for victims of the September 11 attacks in the US.
“It was a fantastic artistic achievement as well as fundraising and awareness raising and all achieved in a very short space of time,” says a member of the organisation committee, Helen Otton. “The evening itself was quite sensational and a new rock star was born in Kevin Spacey.”
Kevin, an Oscar winner for American Beauty, not only handled co-hosting duties but also kicked off the show with a rocking performance of the Beatles classic Hey Jude.
Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former US president Bill Clinton, was also moved by the celebrated actor’s foray into rock and roll. “He’s fantastic,” she said. “I never thought he could sing.” Chelsea, absolutely beaming at the fundraiser, used the evening to clarify some comments she’d made in a Talk magazine article last month in which she seemed to express discomfort with life at Oxford in the wake of the September 11 attacks.
“I am so happy,” she said. “I don’t live under a cloud of fear at Oxford. I get up everyday and I live my life. I am a student and I have so much support at Oxford.”
Donations for the Unite For The Future benefit could surpass £500,000 when all of the receipts are tallied. The money will be split up among three charities, including the World Trade Center disaster fund and Open Minds, a project dedicated to promoting understanding of different cultures among young people.
Producers were happy with the event, which also included a performance by AI heart-throb Jude Law. “We recognise that we’re not in New York, the emotions are not quite as immediate and raw, but we all wanted to do something,” said organiser Susan Hayden. “Music is the underlying theme of the evening. We are celebrating music and freedom.”