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March 6, 2002
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The face they present to the world is unfailingly one of unity and happily married bliss, but discord could be brewing in Beckingham court as Posh and Becks prepare to square off in the battle of the snacks.

The singer and her soccer star husband are all set to promote competing brands of crisp. Victoria is already signed to Walkers, who have a long-running campaign featuring former footballer Gary Lineker, while David is in talks with Golden Wonder.

Posh’s £250,000 deal for the upmarket nibbles Sensations, which was filmed at Blenheim Palace, has her returning from a shopping trip to find Gary Lineker lolling around on a throne at Beckingham Palace masquerading as her husband. Meanwhile, Golder Wonder seem keen to cash in on Vic’s nickname for her hubby of Golden Balls – a reference to his prowess on the pitch – to promote their new football-shaped snack Wotsits Goalden Balls in the run up to the World Cup.

The lucrative new deal will put him in direct competition with his 27-year-old wife, who is currently expecting the couple’s second child.

Photo: ©
Their individual deals with opposing crisp companies pit the celebrity husband and wife team against each other in the snack-promotion arena
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Victoria has signed with Walkers, which already has a long-running campaign featuring former soccer star Gary Lineker (above). The two will appear together in the company's new ads

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