Newlywed Heather Mills says her husband Paul McCartney has saved her from an addiction – chocolate. The former model recently revealed that she's completely dropped refined sugar on the advice of her husband and now boasts a picture perfect complexion as a result.
"The issue came up over my skin," she says. "I'd always been prone to spots. Paul suggested it could have something to do with my addiction to Snickers bars."
However, a chocolate-free diet wasn't an immediate sell for the self-confessed "chocoholic". "Of course, like all chocoholic women, I wasn't having any of it," she admits. But her persuasive hubby made a proposal that she couldn't refuse. "Paul said: 'Why don't you just try giving up for a week?'. Good psychology, eh? I thought I could just about manage that. And, of course, he was right."
She eventually nixed refined sugar from her meals, and now, having "changed the habit of a lifetime", the anti-landmine advocate says giving up her sweet tooth was worth the effort. "It really thrills me when anyone says to me: 'You've got such lovely skin'," she says. "If only they knew how it used to be."