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December 5, 2002
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David and Victoria Beckham have invested in a full-time bodyguard for their young son Brooklyn, according to press reports. The minder, who keeps watch outside the three-year-old's kindergarten, was recruited after kidnap plots terrified the couple.

Other parents at the Cheshire preparatory school are angry over the tough-looking new presence, however. "I made it clear I didn't want the baggage the Beckhams bring," said one disgruntled father. "The head said he would write to us all. But by the time he told us it was already happening. We have nothing against the Beckhams, but we would like to have a choice. I don't want my child to suffer any distractions - or a potential disaster."

The celebrity couple feel that they have no choice, however, after police discovered two plots to snatch their young son. Nine people were arrested in London last month in connection with a plan to kidnap Victoria, Brooklyn and little baby Romeo.

School governors have been trying to allay concerns and have pledged that the security presence will not be intrusive. "No-one sits in the class with the child and no-one stands at the gates," said headmaster Nigel Johnson, adding that the guard was hired as much to assuage other parents' fears as to guard Brooklyn.

"This choice was not made lightly," said a source close to the couple. "After two kidnap attempts they can't afford to take any chances."

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David and Victoria felt they had no choice but to seek extra security for Brooklyn

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