David Beckham's latest advertising deal has got his Far Eastern fans all in a lather. Because the new clip shows the soccer star and his wife Victoria enjoying a soak in a pair of his-and-hers bathtubs.
Britain's favourite couple are fronting a new publicity drive for TBC Tokyo Beauty salons in Japan. The ad begins with Victoria going for an early bath – scented with flower petals – while David practises his footie skills.
A few moments later, however, the hunky athlete bursts into the bathroom with a sack of footballs, which he tosses into the tub before jumping in himself. In another scene Victoria strokes her hubby's face, which is baby soft thanks to TBC face cream. At the end of the ad the glamorous pair turn to the camera and say: "Just Beauty: TBC."
The Beckhams are huge stars in the Far East, where David has landed a £5-million deal to promote Diet Pepsi. He is also being paid £2 million to endorse Castrol Oil and a further £2.5 million to represent confectionery company Meiji Seika. The TBC promo, meanwhile, will garner him and Victoria £2.5 million.