Tension is mounting in the Big Brother house as the controversial contestants prepare for the first eviction on Wednesday night.
The bookies' favourite for eviction is Jade Goody's introverted boyfriend Jack Tweedy, who has found it hard to stamp his personality on a show dominated by Jade and her headline-generating mother, Jackiey - both of whom are up for eviction tonight. The controversial 48-year-old, who lost the use of her arm in a motorcycle accident and claims she was a Rastafarian for 19 years, made quite an impression as she took a dip in the hot-tub in a fishnet swimming costume. Meanwhile her daughter, Big Brother veteran Jade, has kept up the stream of comic chatter upon which she has built her reputation.
Bollywood beauty Shilpa, who has set hearts aflutter with her sultry looks, is also up for eviction, but deemed unlikely to leave the house. The millionaire actress, who is a huge star in her native India and lives in a Mumbai penthouse with an extensive entourage of staff, seems amused by the antics of her housemates. "I can't bring myself to mingle with them," she revealed to Jermaine Jackson, and looked on with a wry smile as Jackiey asked, "Do you live in a house or a shack?".
Former A-Team actor Dirk Benedict, who has won over fans with his old-fashioned charm, would certainly be sad to see the 31-year-old stunner leave, as he has admitted to being attracted to her. On a visit to the diary room, the Eighties star was asked if he felt close to anyone in the house. He replied: "One of them is gone. Leo I feel close to, and Shilpa, but not close enough."
"Although I can't pronounce her name, which is a hindrance, I've been flirting with her; I have to stop doing that."