With their new arrival due any day, 21-year-old mum-to-be Charlotte Church and her rugby player beau Gavin Henson have revealed that they've been flooded with gifts for the baby.
According to the singer's mother, Maria, the pair have received £30,000-worth of gifts, including six prams, dozens of toys, and clothes up to toddler age.
So, with all her pre-natal shopping already taken care of for her, the resourceful Welsh singer-turned-chatshow host has apparently come up with a canny plan to avoid wasting any of the presents - by selling off any duplicate items through online auction site eBay. The proceeds will then go into a trust fund for her firstborn.
For now though, there should be no problem housing all the items as the couple have recently moved into an £800,000 rural retreat in the Vale of Glamorgan. Having decided they didn't want to know the sex of their child beforehand, the pair have painted the nursery a neutral yellow in preparation for either a girl or boy.