Faced with the dilemma of both of his talented daughters presenting their work at events on the same night, there was only one thing Paul McCartney could do - attend both. The music legend raced across London to make sure he was on hand to support photographer daughter Mary McCartney and fashion designer Stella McCartney at separate bashes in the capital.
Sir Paul, 65, joined Mary for a champagne reception at a charity exhibition, held at trendy eaterie The Avenue Restaurant in central London, which featured some of her images. Sitting next to his 38-year-old daughter, glass of bubbly in hand, the singer was clearly very proud of her as he pointed out examples of her work.
Also on the former Beatle's busy schedule was watching Stella wrap up London Fashion Week with her new collection for sports label Adidas. For the unusual show the 36-year-old designer had converted a West London sports centre into a freshly turfed mini golf course - complete with pond, benches and ice cream van. Roaming between guests, models wearing the new designs played golf, tennis, went jogging or lounged in cutaway swimsuits.