It had all the ingredients of a Hollywood blockbuster - a devious protagonist, a dramatic car crash, and a cliffhanger ending. However, it wasn't an American action film that was being filmed on the banks of a Manchester canal this week, but the latest drama from Coronation Street's working-class Weatherfield.
The scenes of a speeding vehicle plunging into the murky waters amidst a billowing plum of spray represent the ongoing attempts of Corrie bad boy David Platt to sabotage his sister's wedding. Deciding to feign his own suicide, the 16-year-old drives into a Manchester canal - at the same spot where his evil step-dad tried to murder the whole Platt family.
In role as the young rebel, Jack P Shepherd gunned his car towards the edge of the canal before handing over to a stuntman who sent the vehicle speeding into the water. While the stuntman quicky emerged, onlookers were left wondering whether David makes it out alive.
Cornonation Street fans have been entertained by the young soap character's rebellious streak for years, and this storyline - the trouble-maker's most explosive so far - looks set to keep them on the edge of their seats throughout the autumn. They will have to wait until the episode is screened, however, to see whether David is successful in halting the ceremony. Whatever the outcome, an insider promises: "It will be sensational, truly dramatic - and will have the viewers wondering what's hit them."