Although David Beckham's smouldering semi-naked appearance in the latest Armani campaign set pulses across the globe racing, it seems he's still a little shy when it comes to discussing the now famous photos. Appearing on a US chat show this week the footie ace coloured up when asked about them.
"Do you normally sit around the house like this?" queried TV host Jay Leno, whipping out the black and white ad as women in the audience cheered enthusiastically.
Although he took the joking question in his stride, David seemed a little embarrassed by the topic. His blushes may have had something to do with the reaction to the campaign of one person in particular. While legions of his female fans responded enthusiastically to the images David admitted one of them wasn't too impressed by the sexy shots - his mum.
Blushing Becks admitted that prior to the campaign launch he'd been nervous about what his mum would think. "When the photos came out she was the first one to call me and say, 'What are you doing?'. I had to try and explain it to her - and it didn't go down that well!" he recalled.
The LA Galaxy star, who lives just around the corner from show host Jay Leno in Los Angeles, hit it off with his neighbour during his appearance on The Tonight Show. And the polite 32-year-old even apologised to his new pal for the constant presence of snappers in their neighbourhood.