Katie Piper speaks about inner strength and opens up about being a mum

June 3, 2016

Katie Piper teamed up with five women who have shown great resilience in life at a photoshoot to talk about what gives each individual strength – and the best-selling author and TV presenter revealed that she takes her strength from being a mother.

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Speaking in a behind-the-scenes video of the shoot, the Special K Nourish ambassador said: "Personally, I get my inner strength from being a mother. Becoming a mum changed me in so many ways and I draw strength from my daughter as I watch her develop each day and the joy and challenges that come along with that.


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Katie spoke about how motherhood had changed her

"I have spoken to many women and they all get their strength in different ways, it could be that sense of victory when you stand up for yourself in a meeting at work, helping someone else through a tough time or celebrating a friend's success. Maybe if we all celebrate the different things that make us feel strong, we can unlock a little more strength in each other."

The other women in the shoot included Sarah Richardson, a breast cancer survivor, Jenny Donaldson, who, in 2011, became one of the only black female senior police officers in her force, Tia Campbell, who followed her passion for photography after he mother fell ill, Jennie Wilson, who set up charity the Abram Wilson Foundation after her husband passed away, and Nadine Davis, a gay woman who spoke about the importance of remaining true to yourself.

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The women told their stories of resilience at the photoshoot 

The campaign included a poll of 2,000 people, revealing that the British public believe that Jennifer Ennis and Angelina Jolie have the most inner strength, with 27% of women looking up to the heptathlete and the actress for inner strength. 

Special K Nourish spokeswoman Louise Thompson-Davies said: "Women like Katie Piper, Angelina Jolie and Jessica Ennis have shown remarkable inner strength in their lives to become successful role models who everyone can look to for inspiration.

"Inner strength means something different to each individual and is more important than ever. In fact, we know from research it's just as important as happiness, and more important than beauty. Yet women are united in wanting more of it."