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Michelle Obama

She has inspired many with her kind words

Lily Waddell
Premium Content Editor
November 11, 2022
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Michelle Obama is truly kind. Her kindness continues to change the lives of many different people and has done so for many years.

President and CEO of Partnership for a Healthier America, Nancy E. Roman, told HELLO!: "Michelle Obama is an overwhelmingly passionate and inspiring leader who has been a dedicated partner to Partnership for a Healthier America for over ten years.

"Thanks to our work with Mrs. Obama, we were able to provide more than one million meals to families in need through the Pass the Love campaign and we look forward to continuing our mission of ensuring everyone, in every zip code, has access to good, nutritious food."

Recently, the former First Lady has been on a kind mission to ensure girls everywhere have access to education with her Get Her There campaign.

Her kind words also have a huge impact and empower women everywhere. HELLO!’s 2022 Change-Maker Of The Year Vee Kativhu reveals Michelle showed her great kindness with her inspiring words to her.

She told HELLO!: "Michelle Obama is so sweet and incredible. Just so warm and genuine, she is listening to you and genuinely talking rather than, 'Let's hurry up because I've got to go somewhere else.’

"She's in that moment with you and you feel it. I don't know if that's something she's just practised or something she's been taught but whatever it is you feel it as a genuine thing.

"You don't feel, 'Oh, my God, it's Michelle Obama!' You are thinking, 'Oh my God, it's this amazing woman who believes in me.'

"She didn't know anything or that much about me but she said, 'You want to go to Harvard and you want to do this kind of work? Yeah, you can do that!' This is before I'd even applied, she said, 'Come on, we need you!' So supportive and I thought, 'Oh, okay, yeah!'"

See the full Kind List here

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