Nothing says luxury quite like a designer bag, right? High end styles finish off a look perfectly. What's more, you could be wearing a dress that cost you very little, but a designer rucksack, tote or handbag gives your whole look that polished edge.
Gucci, Chanel, Dior, the list is endless. But one bag brand that is super sought after and loved by many is Celine. The French brand is synonymous with luxury and has had its fair share of IT bags over time.
One of their most memorable designs has to be the Classic box bag. It's a structured number and comes complete with a long strap that can be worn crossbody. The base is made from calfskin and the gold hardware gives it a super chic feel. It's not fussy, practical, and timeless. It wouldn't look out of place if you carried it 30 years from now.
Designer Phoebe Philo devised the style back in 2011, and it's been a big hit ever since. Reese Weatherspoon has one, as does Lady Gaga.
But, like all exclusive designer bags, it's going to cost you. Don't have a spare £2,000? Don't worry, we've got you.
Primark is known for its original pieces just as much as its incredible designer lookalikes. In the current collection is this amazing box bag which, we think you will agree, looks uncannily like the Celine arm candy.
As a fashion editor, I see so many dupes but this one shocked me when I was having a little potter in Primark at the weekend. It's exact! It has the same gold square catch, the same strap and I really don't think anyone would know it was from the high street at a glance. It comes in four wearable shades, black, taupe, tan and khaki. I was most impressed with the stitching too, very neat and pristine considering it cost so little.
What are you waiting for? Get in there quickly!