Angelina Jolie has visited Cambodia as a guest of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). It is not the actress’ first visit to the country though: scenes from Tomb Raider were shot in some of the many old Buddhist and Hindu temples, including Angkor Wat, the biggest religious monument in the world.
The 26-year-old actress, married to writer-director Billy Bob Thornton, visited former Khmer Rouge zones, and spent two nights each in Anlong Veng and Samlot, which were guerrilla strongholds of the Cambodian civil war. “Her spirit and energy level were fantastic,” said the UNHCR’s Katy Grant, who travelled with Jolie on the trip.
Angelina’s new movie Original Sin is released in the States this weekend, but critics have been thwarted from giving it a write-up, as MGM has nixed advance screenings. The Oscar-winning actress stars as the mail-order bride of a Cuban plantation owner, played by Antonio Banderas. A writer for the movie publication Variety, who did manage to sneak a peek, called the film “lavish and florid,” adding that it “falls into the so-bad-it’s-good territory.”
There was much gossip during filming of the two tattooed leading players, suggesting that Angelina and Antonio had embarked upon an affair. But the Latin hunk rubbished the rumours, saying: “Melanie (Griffith) knows that whatever I do with Angelina in the movie, she gets every night – and for real.”