Tough guy Russell Crowe, linked romantically with numerous high-profile Tinsel Town names, from Nicole Kidman to rocker-turned-starlet Courtney Love, has admitted that he is searching for love of the lasting kind. Famous for his brief but well-publicised romances, including a short-lived relationship with Proof Of Life co-star Meg Ryan, the Oscar winner is now defying his reputation as a ladies’ man by confessing that he’s ready to settle down.
“I am still actively looking for my life partner,” says Russell. “I may or may not be lucky enough to find that person, so we will just see.”
Russell says the gossip about his purported flings has hurt his family, and, despite his love 'em and leave 'em image, he insists he wants a long-term marriage like that enjoyed by his parents. “My mum and dad just celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary and, you know, if I am going to get married then that is what I would be looking for,” he says.
The hunky Gladiator star will next appear on the silver screen in A Beautiful Mind, directed by Ron Howard. The film premieres in Los Angeles on Thursday and will show in the UK starting February 8.