Apart from debuting on London’s West End stage this month, Hollywood actor Woody Harrelson has been showing off some hitherto unknown talents by signing up to play with an amateur football team.
The Natural Born Killers star joined the team of friends four weeks ago after one of the members spotted him walking across the London park where they play, wearing a set of football boots. The player asked him if he wanted to join and he replied, “Sure, that would be good”. And Woody’s been joining in the Sunday games ever since.
“I was walking with my friend at the time and he just walked across the pitch,” Michael Duncan told BBC Radio Five Live. “I just shouted at him and he responded to ‘Woody’ so we figured it was him, and he’s been playing ever since.”
The actor may come from a nation where football is something of a lesser sport, but he has already proven he can take the Brits on at their own game by scoring a couple of goals. Woody does have something to learn about the etiquette of the hallowed game, however, as, according to his teammates, he “high-fives” other goal scorers even if they are on the opposing team.
“The standard of football in general on display in the park is not of a particularly high standard anyway,” Mr Duncan said. “Woody runs around, he’s very energetic, just a nice guy.”
Mr Duncan added that the actor was just a “down-to-earth Hollywood star that we play football with”, but that he was not able to join the rest of the team in the pub for the traditonal après-game drink, as he had rehearsals to attend.
Woody is currently starring with Sex And The City actor Kyle MacLachlan in On An Average Day at London’s Comedy Theatre.