Flame-haired Aussie actress Nicole Kidman and her Cold Mountain co-star have a treat in store for the crew of the US Civil War epic currently being filmed in the wilds of Romania. They plan to go the "whole nine yards" and cook up a traditional Thanksgiving meal for everyone.
The girls' move will presumably be even more welcome than usual, as catering facilities on the Cold Mountain set have proved a major logistical challenge. The remoteness of the region where the film is being shot means there is none of the normal infrastructure and everything has had to be set up from scratch.
As a result many of the supplies needed have been shipped in from outside. But "for some reason the Romanian authorities are very much against us importing food," says Sabrina Casale, assistant to producer Bill Hornberg. Customs have apparently even impounded espresso machines at the border.
Nic remains unfazed, however. "We're arranging right now to bring frozen turkeys back and everything," she says. "I was just on the phone with (Renee) saying: You're going to do the biscuits, and I'm doing the stuffing."
Cold Mountain which also stars Jude Law, is directed by The English Patient's Anthony Minghella and is scheduled for release in the US on Christmas Day 2003. A release date for the UK has not yet been announced.