The normally reserved Harrison Ford has been speaking openly about his relationship with Ally McBeal star Calista Flockhart.
"I'm in love," declares the 60-year-old actor in a magazine interview. "Romantic love is one of the most exciting and fulfilling kinds of love and I think there is a potential for it at any stage of your life. I was not surprised that I was able to fall in love, and I wasn't surprised that I did."
Harrison and Calista have been an item since they met at the Golden Globe awards in 2002. Until now, however, the Indiana Jones star has been reluctant to speak about the relationship.
His 38-year-old partner also took part in the interview, saying the age gap between them is not an issue. "It doesn't faze me. Sometimes I even say, 'Wow, I keep forgetting that he's 22 years older than me'," she affirms. "It doesn't factor into our relationship at all. I like the way he looks first thing in the morning. It's not handsome, it's more cute. He looks like a little boy."
The couple were also eager to set the record straight about their first meeting, after press reports that she threw a drink over him. "She certainly did not purposely spill a glass of wine on me," said Harrison, before Calista explained what really took place: "We were having a conversation for maybe 20 minutes before the wine spilled, and the truth is, Harrison spilled the wine!"
Calista moved into Harrison's Los Angeles home earlier this year, along with her adopted two-year-old son, Liam. And at one point in the interview, the youngster made a noisy entrance shouting: "Harrison! Harrison!" Fortunately the Hollywood hardman, who is himself a father of four, is no novice when it comes to toddlers. "I'm good at changing diapers," he joked. "No sense letting that experience go to waste."
And it seems the avid pilot has also managed to help his girlfriend conquer her fear of flying. "You feel very free," says the actress. "I also think I love it because I really trust Harrison." Her young son has developed a fondness for having an aviator in the family, too. "Liam woke up this morning and first thing out of his mouth was 'I want to go on an airplane'," the petite star revealed.