Making movies is hard work at the best of times, let alone in a heat wave. So the stars of Woody Allen's latest project must have been relieved to spend a couple of days shooting by the sea. Ewan McGregor joined the legendary film director on Brighton beach as they filmed scenes for the un-named flick, known only as 'Wasp 06'.
The Scottish heart-throb might have wished he was in his swimming trunks, though, rather than jeans and jacket as he worked in the sweltering heat. However, according to one security guard a fortune was spent on ice creams to help counter the temperatures, while some of the crew members were able to enjoy the seaside location's traditional delights with a ride on the dodgems. Despite the high security surrounding the closely guarded script, atmosphere on the set was relaxed as 70-year-old Woody turned it into a family affair – bringing along wife Soon-Yi and their adopted daughter Manzie, six.
The New Yorker's latest muse, rising star Hayley Atwell, also joined the Star Wars actor on location. The pretty 24-year-old is already known to British audiences after appearing in BBC drama The Line Of Beauty and this winter will appear alongside Bille Piper in Ruby In The Smoke. But it's her role in Woody's new project that will locate her firmly on the Hollywood map.
Irish hunk Colin Farrell also features in the movie, said to be based on a pair of down-on-their-luck siblings who end up bitter rivals as they turn to a life of crime. Based mainly in London, it is Woody's third consecutive film set in the capital following Matchpoint and Scoop.