Filming of Desperate Housewives is set to shift from the show's Wisteria Lane set to the home of pregnant cast member Marcia Cross after the actress was ordered bed rest by her doctor. For two days the stars and their supporting production team will relocate to Marcia's house in Hollywood in order to wrap up scenes involving her character Bree Van Der Kamp.
The flame-haired star had only planned to film a further two more episodes before taking maternity leave, and those remaining moments will now be filmed at the home she shares with her stockbroker husband, Tom Mahoney. With the show's producers deciding not to write 44-year-old Marcia's pregancy into the programme's storyline camera crews will have their work cut out for them in trying to avoid showing her burgeoning bump. And with Marcia - who is expecting twins - entering her third trimester that is becoming increasingly difficult.
Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the actress reassured her fans that the bedrest order did not mean Marcia is at risk. "This is a precautionary measure only," she explained.