Daniel Radcliffe's magic extends far beyond his role in the Harry Potter film series it seems. The 17-year-old actor has proved he's also something of a wizard when it comes to the theatre, having received a standing ovation for his debut in the West End play Equus on Thursday.
The play, in which the young actor ends up nude for a love scene, has already generated an enormous amount of interest, with pre-opening ticket sales standing at £1.7 million. Daniel's composure and acting skills have also come in for praise, resulting in rumours that Broadway producers are interested in taking the work to the US.
His role in Equus marks Daniel's move from child screen hero to fully-fledged actor, and the talented youngster admits the new medium has been a challenge. "Doing Harry is hard, without question. But this is a massive leap for me," he says. "The techniques are so different from film. Even just the basics about projecting your voice without sounding as if you're yelling your head off - it's all new to me."
Despite all the anticipation, Daniel remains remarkably cool about the hype surrounding his Equus portrayal. "I'm fine about it," he says of the testing script. "Equus is an iconic play. The nude scene is part of it. I can't do it with my pants on. That would be rubbish."