Many people who've just got their hands on £10.5 million would be tempted to go an an extravagant spending spree. Having just turned 18 and gained access to her earnings from the Harry Potter movies, actress Emma Watson has taken a far more sensible approach, however. On the advice of her parents she's taken a crash course with the Queen's bank on the ins and outs of being a multi-millionaire.
Emma, who amassed the huge sum over eight years playing brainy Hermoine Granger in the boy wizard franchise, was given access to her fortune after agreeing to attend the course run by her bankers, Coutts.
The actress' parents, Chris and Jacqueline, are keen to encourage their daughter to safeguard her financial future. So, along with fellow Harry Potter child star Tom Felton, who plays Draco Malfoy, Emma went along to three days of tutorials.
In addition to meetings with private bankers and lessons on spending and budgeting, the youngsters listened to presentations by charity organisations - including one against bullying, a favourite cause of Emma's - and a talk by a prominent PR agency on the importance of protecting one's reputation.