end of world 1© Photo: Channel 4

The End of the F***ing World reveals James' fate after season one cliffhanger

Find out what happened to James in The End of the F****** World

Emmy Griffiths
TV & Film Editor
November 5, 2019

The End of the F***ing World returned to our screens on Monday night, and fans of the Channel 4 show were finally given answers about just what happened to James after the season one finale ended on a huge cliffhanger. In season one, James embarks on a life of crime with his girlfriend, Alyssa, only for the show to end as he runs away from the police, with the sound of a shot being fired.

end of world alysa© Photo: Channel 4

Warning, spoilers ahead

Channel 4 premiered a double bill of the show on Monday, and while episode one gave nothing away about James' fate, episode two concluded with Alyssa storming outside to confront the driver of a car that had been following her, only to discover that James is the driver. After believing he was dead for nearly two episodes, fans were delighted by the revelation, with one writing: "HE'S ALIVE PEOPLE HE'S ALIVE," while another added: "James is okay THANK THE LORD."

© Photo: Twitter

Fans were delighted that James survived

Although Channel 4 is airing a double bill every night over the next three days, the series was also immediately available to watch for fans who couldn't wait - and episode three goes into more details about just what happened to James after the events of season one. Spoiler alert for those who have yet to catch up! In the third episode, James revealed that while he didn't die following his gunshot wound, he was badly hurt and had to go through months of physical therapy to be able to walk again.

READ: Everything you need to know about The End of the F***ing World season two

© Photo: Channel 4

Season two also introduced a new character, Bonnie

During that time, he was let off on murder charges thanks to it being self-defence, and was given a suspended sentence for the other crimes he committed with Alyssa. He also finally became close with his father, who dies suddenly while the pair are bowling together. The episode also reveals that James was forced to break up with Alyssa by her mother, and wrote her a harsh letter to call things off.

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