The Chase star Darragh Ennis got fans talking on social media after the latest episode of the hit ITV game show. The professional quizzer went up against contestants Sacub, Vicky, Sophy and Paul, who put their general knowledge skills to the test in an attempt to take home the cash prize.
After making it to the Final Chase, Sophy, Paul and Vicky managed to hit the impressive target of 22 steps. while Darragh had his work cut out for him, he rose to the challenge and managed to catch the contestants with 11 seconds to spare.
It's safe to say fans were impressed with Daragh's performance and praised the Irish neuroscientist on social media.
One person penned: "That was a very unexpected target of 22. But a very impressive performance by Darragh sees it become his highest-ever catch," while another added: "That was unlucky. Darragh was unstoppable though."
A third viewer remarked: "For such a high target, Darragh really did cook up a storm in that final chase!" while another hailed the quizzer as "one of the strongest" in the line-up, writing: "I think he's one of the strongest nowadays. Not so much at the start of his appearances but very sharp now."
Darragh is the latest addition to The Chase line-up having joined the show in April 2020, when he made history as the first Chaser to have previously competed on the programme. The TV star competed against Paul Sinha back in 2017 and won a whopping £9,000 during the cash builder.
For those who don't know, Darragh, who hails from Dublin, is a postdoctoral researcher at Oxford University where he specialises in studying the brains of insects.
The quiz whizz lives in Oxford with his wife and their two children.
Darragh met his wife at Maynooth University, where they both studied for a degree and PhD. Reflecting on the early days of their relationship, he told Maynooth University: "We were very, very, good friends for a long time, and we lived together as housemates before we got together. She worked about five doors down the corridor in the Callan Building on South Campus."
Darragh likes to keep his personal life out of the spotlight, previously telling The Irish Mirror: "I have been keeping my family out of the limelight so my wife doesn't get involved, she doesn't want to. And my children, I don't share photos of my children or anything like that. No one knows what my children look like or their names or anything like that."