Boost your social life with Weight Watchers®

April 17, 2012

Hannah had always been a size 10-12 and had felt happy with her weight, until she went to University. That first year away from home she ate what she wanted and didn’t shy away from a night on the town.

  “By the end of my first year I shamefully remember that the staff at the local late-night pizza house knew my name and my order – a large pizza and a diet Coke of course!” says Hannah. It was seeing herself in holiday photographs, that spurred her to tackle her weight, but she refused to sacrifice her social life for a diet. So she decided to check out Weight Watchers® Online. “I looked on the website and saw there was a way I could follow the plan without attending meetings, and as my work and social life pattern varied a lot, I thought this would be ideal – and I’ve never looked back!’ she says.

Weight Watchers Online really worked for Hannah. She could be connected 24/7 to the tools and people in the same boat as her on the message boards and on Facebook. “I'm quite a shy person,” says Hannah, “so being able to ‘chat’ to all those people on the same journey as me was fantastic. Over time I have made some great friends and we’ve met up in real life too!” Being able to track online using ProPoints® Tracker is one of the key tools that Hannah swears by. She’s also discovered a whole new world: the art of cooking! “I never used to cook at home, but I am now fanatical about it. When I moved out of my parents’ home earlier this year they were worried about how they would eat without me and my cooking!” says Hannah. “I love having friends for dinner and adapting recipes.”

Hannah’s weight loss journey hasn’t always been an easy one. There have been obstacles she has had to overcome and times when she felt it wasn’t working, but her perseverance and commitment has delivered results. “Losing weight wasn't plain sailing, I won’t lie. But now I know it works and I have been maintaining my weight for over a year!” Hannah is loving her 'new' life and today she is really happy and comfortable in her own skin. “The plan has helped me to become more confident. I have uncovered a passion for cooking and have met some fantastic friends through the website. And the interactive website tools continue to be a part of my life.” Visit to sign up to Weight Watchers online today for FREE, when you buy the 3 month plan.

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