Jennifer Lawrence, Gwyneth Paltrow, Elle McPherson, Victoria Beckham – they’ve all raved about the benefits of bathing in Epsom Salts as a surefire way to debloat and detox but there’s a new salt on the block and it’s claimed it will undo our indulgences over the festivities. Enter Himalayan salts. Bathe in them a couple of times a week and your bloat will decrease while your energy levels increase, honestly. Plus, it’s way more appealing than the dreaded 5:2 diet to get you over the season’s indulgences.

Already popular with foodie bloggers and healthy eating advocates (Ella Woodward, Tess Ward, Amelia Freer to name a few), the reason Himalayan salts are your golden ticket to a trimmer tummy is the fact they’re packed with so many minerals (84 to be precise). Proven to feed and nourish the body rather than dehydrate it (hello table salt), the blend of magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium also means it helps to rebalance the body’s pH – FYI, all those acidic cocktails and mince pies you’ve been munching on will have sent your glycemic index and gut health on a roller coaster ride. The easy-peasy solution to undo your binging? Run yourself a bath, scoop in a cup of salts and chill out for twenty minutes.

As well as reducing water retention, bloating, soothing muscles and getting toxins moving in the body in the same way Epsom salts do, these new souped-up salts restore the body’s energy and increase circulation so you’ll step out of the tub ready and raring to go rather than sluggish and slovenly. As for where to get your mitts on them, you can pick up small batches of Himalayan salt at your local supermarket but for a pack that will last you at least a month, go for Westlab’s Bath Soak Salts, £5.99, available in health food stores nationwide or