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The most common hair myths exposed

June 19, 2012
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From mending split ends with the right products to getting frequent trims in order to make hair grow faster, there are tons of long-standing hair myths. Do you pluck the odd grey hair and then worry about more popping up in their place? Well, worry no more.HELLO! Online has compiled the most common untruths about haircare to help set the record straight and make you rethink your routine.


1. Cutting your hair makes it grow fasterCelebrity hairdresser Richard Ward says that this is "completely untrue. Cutting the hair will neither make it grow faster or slower." But he advises that you do invest in regular trims to "get rid of potential split ends that could travel up the hair shaft if left unadressed". 2. You can mend split ends with the right productsOnce the hair is split, it’s irreparable. The only thing you can do then is cut them off or make them less noticeable by applying wax. 3. If you always use the same shampoo, eventually it will stop working No matter how much you use the same shampoo, it will always have a cleansing effect. But JOICO stylist Kate Cunningham believes that "it is good to spice up your hair regime from time to time and alternate your regular shampoo with a clarifying one as some shampoos on the market can build up over time and create a barrier around the hair shaft." 4. Grey hair is caused by stressGrey hair is caused by genetics, not stress.


5. If you pluck one grey hair, two or three will appear in its placeThis isn't true. But before you attempt to tackle those strays with tweezers, bear in mind that it is a bad habit that can lead to root damage, infection or scars. 6. For healthy hair, brush 100 strokes a day This myth says that rigorous brushing serves to distribute the natural oils from your scalp to add shine to your hair. However, this is untrue and too much brushing can even be harmful to the hair, causing friction, cuticle damage and breakage. Use a wide-toothed comb with plastic bristles – avoid boar-bristle brushes that are harsh on your hair. 7. If you shampoo less often, your scalp will gradually produce less oilYour scalp will produce the same amount of oil no matter how often you shampoo. But Kate Cunningham advises against washing the hair every day. "Your hair and scalp need a rest, so try and keep washing to at least every other day. Washing your hair every day should definitely be avoided if you suffer with psoriasis or eczema.