While a holiday is a great excuse to relax and indulge, you don't have to completely give up on your health and fitness routine. However, this doesn't mean you have to embark on gruelling workouts – a sunny getaway provides plenty of options for fun, alternative exercise.
From how to make the most of the pool to staying healthy during a flight, Health and Fitness Travel shows us ways you can stay healthy during your holiday…
A bike ride can be a great way to exercise and explore the area
Travel healthy
If you're flying, the cramped conditions and recirculated air can be detrimental to your body and immune system, so prep your body. Swap alcoholic drinks for water to stay hydrated and keep your circulation flowing with some simple yoga stretches.
Have workout clothes prepared
If you've packed exercise clothes, you'll be more likely to feel inspired to head for a workout. They don't have to take up too much space in your suitcase – opt for lightweight breathable materials that can cope with the heat and can be easily hand washed for re-wear during your trip.
Try a new exercise such as surfing or paddle board yoga
Actively explore your surroundings
Take in the sights with a leisurely jog or explore the area on a bike ride – if you're staying in a hotel, ask the concierge for a picturesque route so you can discover amazing scenery while still upping your heart rate.
Make the most of the pool
Not only is swimming a full body workout and great cardiovascular exercise, but it's also a refreshing way to keep active while staying cool. There are also lots of health benefits, from toning muscles to reducing your stress. Staying in a hotel? Do a few lengths before breakfast when there are less people around.
Catch up on sleep
Holidays are about resting, so make sure to give your body time to recover and recharge. Keep in mind that in hot conditions, sleep may be disrupted whilst your body adjusts to the new climate, so avoid the temptation to stay up late every night of your holiday.
Add resistance to your run by jogging on a sandy beach
Tailor a balanced diet to the type of holiday
If you're going on a multi activity holiday you'll need a diet of slow energy releasing carbohydrates to keep up your strength, if you're relaxing on a spa break, watch your portion sizes and swap foods high in sugar and fat for more fresh fruit and vegetables.
Make the most of the outdoors
Switch up your workout by adding resistance to your run by jogging on a sandy beach, or try water sports such as surfing or even paddle board yoga to work groups of muscles you may not always focus on.
Don't overdo it - holidays are about rest and relaxation
Cool down
If you're exercising in hot conditions, your body's core temperature will be elevated, so it's even more important to cool down properly so you can recover effectively – brining your core temperature down should be your priority, not to mention it will help to lessen muscle fatigue.
Every little helps
From taking the stairs rather than the elevator to swapping a lazy afternoon for a game of tennis or golf, you'll find you quickly reap the rewards, especially as some of these changes will be easy to transition to your daily life when you head home.
For more information head to healthandfitnesstravel.com