
This genius photo can help you detect cancer

January 17, 2017

A seemingly simple picture of a box of lemons has gone viral after it was shared on Facebook.

Originally designed by the Worldwide Breast Cancer organisation, the image was created to help both men and women detect breast cancer.

The campaign, entitled Know Your Lemons, was started by a young designer named Corrine Beaumont, and has been shared over 42,000 times.

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Corrine lost both of her grandmothers to breast cancer at the ages of 40 and 62 and when she found little information on how to detect breast cancer, she felt compelled to come up with a solution.

The result was this picture of an egg box of lemons that illustrates any abnormalities in the breasts.

"Some patients don't want to talk about breasts or look at them," she said.

"Other women used in campaigns don't look like ordinary women – but even those with little literacy can understand this."

Corinne first created the campaign in 2003, but it has risen to the surface this month after it was shared on social media by Erin Smith Chieze.

Erin was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer after recognising she had an indentation in her breast – thanks to a similar image illustrating what breast cancer can look like.

"Without having seen a picture randomly with real information, I wouldn't have known what to look for," wrote Erin as she shared the picture.

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