emma stone weight

Emma Stone couldn't stop smiling after gaining weight for new film

The star gained 15 pounds for Battle of the Sexes role

September 15, 2017

Actress Emma Stone was overcome with joy after successfully packing on 15 pounds (6.8 kilograms) of weight for her Battle of the Sexes role.The Academy Award-winning star portrays tennis legend Billie Jean King in the new film, which chronicles her historic 1973 court win over playboy sportsman Bobby Riggs, and to prepare for the part, the actress had to bulk up.

Emma's efforts to gain weight were very successful, with her trainer Jason Walsh revealing she gained 15 pounds of lean muscle, a feat that delighted the actress.

"She was ecstatic when she got on (the scale)," Jason recalls to People magazine. "Most girls who get on the scale and gain weight freak out, (but) she had the biggest smile in the world when the weight started to increase."

emma stone

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Emma worked out three to five times per week, with sessions twice a day at times in order to gain strength to look like a professional athlete onscreen.

"She got really strong, I'm talking, like, we were pushing and dragging sleds with hundreds of pounds, which was awesome to watch," Jason shares. "It really became fun for her. (She) would be like, 'Hey, what kind of record are we going to beat this week with the weights?"

Exercise professional Walsh admits he was sometimes shocked by Stone's incredible performance during their sessions: "She did up to 300 pounds on her hip thrusts, which is insane," he shares. "We'd do farmer walks, where she would put heavy weights in her hands - we'd probably do 70 pound dumbbells in each hand - just walking down the track. She'd do 185 pound deadlifts and push ups with chains on her back, things that are outside of the scope of what she did before."

This is how Emma Stone got into shape for her new film role

Jason adds, "She really started to enjoy and absorb what I was throwing at her. (At first) in her mind there's disbelief about whether she could do any of this stuff, and when she'd do it she'd scream (with excitement)."

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