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The 'vital' self-care ritual experts say we need to do daily

Forget manicures and facials, there's one self-care practice we need to add to our everyday routine.

May 13, 2024

When you think about self-care, baths, yoga and candles likely spring to mind, but simply looking after ourselves counts as self-care, according to wellness experts.

If we aren't making time for the simple things, such as drinking enough water each day, cleansing our faces properly at night or making time to wash our hair, we reinforce the belief that we're not worthy of spending time on – which can result in both low mood and low self-esteem.

"Making time for ourselves reinforces our self-worth," confirms psychotherapist Anna Mathur. "It increases confidence, joy, and self-esteem. We need to find ways to honour and respect ourselves because really this is about self-respect."

© Charlotte Gray

Psychotherapist Anna Mathur explains why looking after ourselves is key

With this in mind, we got to thinking about how we're more than happy to splash out on manicures and massages in the name of self-care, but surely dental appointments come under the same umbrella? True, they don't tend to be as relaxing as reclining on a heated bed, but if self-care is simply looking after ourselves, there are few things more important than oral care.

This is something top dentist Dr. Rhona Eskander certainly considered when it came to the makeover of her west London clinic,  the Chelsea Dental Clinic, which now looks more like a spa than a dental studio, helping it feel more like a self-care ritual than admin.

"I wanted to create a spa-like atmosphere in our clinic because I believe that a visit to the dentist should be a calming and rejuvenating experience, not just a medical necessity," Dr. Rhona says.

The interiors at Chelsea Dental Clinic are serene

"Many people feel anxious about dental appointments, but a serene, welcoming environment can significantly alleviate that stress. By incorporating elements typically found in spas, such as soothing music, gentle lighting and soft, comforting interiors, we help our clients feel more relaxed and at peace.

"This approach not only enhances the overall patient experience but also aligns with our commitment to promoting wellness and relaxation as part of oral health care."

The Chelsea Dental Clinic has spa vibes

Even if your dental clinic leaves a little to be desired in the serenity stakes, it can still be helpful to consider oral care as a key component of your self-care routine.

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1. Oral care helps us smile more

When our teeth look nice, we're more likely to smile, and believe it or not, smiling can make us happier.

"Smiling releases endorphins in the same way that happens when you work out at the gym or go for a fast walk in nature," explains Nicci Roscoe, author of Manifest Your Everything. "Other benefits of smiling include reducing blood pressure and helping with pain. Smiling helps you feel so much better about you," she adds.

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Smiling can boost our mood

"A smile radiates love, warmth and happiness to others, is a wonderful stress reliever, and helps boost your mood," she continues. "Even when you give a false smile there’s something inside you that’s saying, 'Come on, you can do this.'"

READ: Does smiling make you happy? An expert explains 

On top of that, we feel more confident when we're looking after our teeth. "Taking care of your teeth improves your smile, which can boost confidence and influence how you interact with others," confirms Dr. Rhona.

2. Good oral care is a sign of self-respect

"Good oral hygiene is an act of self-respect, showing that you value yourself enough to take care of every part of your body," says Dr. Rhona. "Essentially, integrating oral care into your self-care routine is not only about maintaining dental health but also about nurturing your overall wellbeing."

Dr. Rhona explains why oral care is self-care

3. Health reasons

"Maintaining good oral hygiene can have a significant impact on your overall health," says Dr. Mahsa Nejati. "Poor oral health has been linked to various conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory infections and has recently been linked as a contributing factor to Alzheimer’s. Therefore, taking care of your teeth and gums is not only important for your smile but also for your overall health and wellbeing."

The London Dentist, who works as an Oral-B ambassador adds: "Oral care is a vital part of a self-care routine. The mouth is a gateway to the rest of the body and regular brushing, interdental cleaning and dental check-ups not only preserve the health of the teeth and gums but also contribute to overall wellbeing and quality of life."

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