Sad and lonely girl in bedroom. Insomnia and psychological issues. Breakup with boyfriend. Conceptual of bad condition of broken hearted, sadness, loneliness or depress woman.© Getty

I had crippling perimenopausal insomnia - here's how I cured it

Insomnia is one of the most common symptoms of perimenopause

Updated: June 13, 2024

I've been grappling with the challenges of perimenopausal symptoms for the past two years, and it has been a turbulent journey, particularly when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. 

The struggle to find rest has led me to explore various remedies. I've tried magnesium supplements, indulged in magnesium baths, practiced pre-bedtime yoga, spritzed lavender spray, and even embraced digital detoxing. Despite these efforts, uninterrupted sleep continued to elude me.

Then, I discovered grounding bed sheets. These innovative sheets claim to enhance health and wellbeing by connecting you to the Earth's natural energy. Grounding, or earthing, involves connecting your body to the Earth's surface directly or through conductive materials like a metal rod, wire, or specially designed products. 

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Grounding bedsheets go under your normal sheets to help reduce insomnia

The premise is that this connection allows the free flow of electrons from the Earth to your body, and vice versa. These electrons have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and pain-relieving effects, which can help balance your body's electrical charge and restore its natural rhythms.

For centuries, grounding has been a part of various cultures and traditions. Think about the serene pleasure of walking barefoot on grass, sand, or soil, swimming in the ocean, or hugging a tree. 

These activities are all forms of grounding, and they often leave you feeling relaxed, energized, and alive. However, modern life has distanced us from the Earth, both literally and figuratively. 

We wear shoes with insulating soles, live and work in buildings isolated from the ground, and spend most of our time indoors surrounded by artificial lights, screens, and electromagnetic fields. This disconnection from nature and the Earth's energy can negatively impact our health, particularly during menopause when our bodies are undergoing significant changes.

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Grounding can help insomnia

Studies have shown that grounding can alleviate many common menopause symptoms, including insomnia. Grounding can improve sleep quality and duration and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep by synchronizing circadian rhythms, the natural cycles of light and dark that govern our body clocks. Additionally, grounding can increase the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep and mood.

DISCOVER: Why can't I sleep during menopause? The real reason 

Did grounding sheets help me sleep?

Initially, I was skeptical. The first night on the grounding bed sheets didn't seem much difference. I still woke up multiple times, feeling hot and sweaty. But I decided to give it time. 

Over the next few weeks, to my surprise, things began to change. I started to sleep through the night without interruptions and felt more refreshed and energized in the mornings. The groggy, hungover feeling that once greeted me every morning began to dissipate. I found myself more alert and focused during the day.

After a week on the grounding sheets, I noticed I hadn't experienced a hot flush in days. My PMS symptoms also seemed to lessen. I didn't suffer as much from cramping, bloating, or irritability. I felt more balanced and calm. After a month, I felt like a new woman. I was happier, healthier, and more confident. The persistent joint and muscle pain had significantly reduced. I was astonished that something as simple as a sheet could make such a difference.

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PMS symptoms can be lessened with grounding

The transformation was remarkable. Grounding helped me regain control over my body and life, offering relief from the disruptive symptoms of menopause. 

It's incredible to think that reconnecting with the Earth's energy through something as simple as a bed sheet could have such profound effects on my well-being. If you're struggling with sleep and other menopausal symptoms, grounding bed sheets might just be the game-changer you need.

Faye James is an accredited nutritionist, member of the Australian Menopause Society and author of The Menopause Diet 

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