taylor swift smiling on stage in green© Getty

Being unmarried and childless makes Taylor Swift the ultimate role model, not a bad one

Podcaster Brogan Garrit-Smith says that Taylor is ignoring society's expectations - and seems happier than ever

Updated: 21 hours ago

This week, a male writer faced significant backlash for suggesting that Taylor Swift is not a good role model because she is unmarried and childless at 34. 

I, and many others, wholeheartedly disagree. This opinion is not only outdated but also dismisses the empowering influence Taylor has on her millions of fans.

In modern Western society, it is often suggested that to succeed in life you need a happy marriage and a family of children. 

© Getty

Taylor is empowering her young fans

Unlike Taylor, who has ignored this path, I followed society's map to the letter, yet in the quiet moments, I would hear my heart talk to me. It was a whisper saying, 'This is not it, there is more to life'.

Our internal GPS

I believe that each of us has our own internal GPS system, guiding us at all times, pulling us towards the people and places that are meant for us. Yet we are so conditioned in what life is 'supposed' to look like, we forget what life is meant to feel like.

Looking at me from the outside, with my solid career and goal-ticking, I had it all. But in truth, I was not following my internal GPS. 

Brogan realised she wasn't following her internal GPS

Taylor Swift, on the other hand, embodies the essence of following one’s internal GPS. Her journey is a testament to the power of self-determination and authenticity. She has built an extraordinary career on her terms and used her platform to champion causes she believes in.

She teaches her fans of all ages, that there is no single route to happiness or success. Having been named the first billionaire musician she shows that a woman's - or anyone's - worth and influence are not determined by marital status or parenthood. I believe she highlights the importance of self-belief and resilience.

© Charles McQuillan/TAS24

Taylor Swift's message is an empowering one

Taylor Swift stands as a beacon of empowerment for young people everywhere, showing that the most meaningful path is the one we chart for ourselves.

This is your reminder, that deep within you, you already know what you want. Trust your gut because it already has the answer, throw the world's map out the window, and follow your compass. No two lives are meant to look the same.

 Follow Brogan on Instagram and listen to her podcast, Getting There, on Spotify. 

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