Exclusive! Martine McCutcheon talks about her recent weight loss and loving motherhood

April 23, 2017

In an exclusive interview and photoshoot with Hello! magazine, Martine McCutcheon has said she is more confident than ever before after losing more than a stone in weight. “Before I lost the weight I’d switch the confidence on when I needed to,” Martine tells Hello!. “In the industry I’ve grown up in, you’re so scrutinised, it’s what you do – you put on your face and go out there, even if inside you don’t feel at all good about yourself. Now, that confidence feels more genuine. I set myself a goal and I’ve achieved it and, while a stone might not sound like a lot to some people, on my frame it has made a huge difference, not just to how I look but how I feel about myself.”

Martine McCutcheon is content after losing weight and becoming a mum

Martine has lost more than a stone in weight and 20ins from her body after embarking on the Cambridge Weight Plan diet. And she says she was inspired to lose weight after battling health problems including ME and Lyme Disease – as well as wanting to be healthy for husband Jack McManus and their four-year-old son Rafferty.

“Because I’ve spent so long fighting to feel healthy again, I didn’t want to do anything too drastic that was going to make me feel lousy, but after having Rafferty I found it so tough to lose my baby weight and that does start to affect your self-esteem,” she tells the magazine. “I’d tried the Cambridge Weight Plan before and had great results. “I needed something that would work swiftly because I think you can lose the will if you’re not seeing results quickly enough. But it’s rigid enough for me not to stray.”

READ: Martine McCutcheon reveals she has been diagnosed with Lyme disease

And she says she is now more content with her life than ever – in large part thanks to becoming a mum. “I give thanks every single day that motherhood is something I’ve been blessed to experience. It sounds like such a cliché but having Rafferty really did put everything into perspective. All those things I’d worried about all my life – the career, the weight – all seemed trivial in comparison to this little person we had created. Once I’d got that perspective, the rest seemed to fall into place.” To read more of the interview with Martine, pick up the latest copy of Hello! magazine.

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