Stacey Solomon's fans forced to defend her after video of pet ducks in swimming pool

Stacey’s fans defended the star

Stacey in selfie with Joe and five kids© Instagram
June 21, 2024

Stacey Solomon’s fans have defended the star after she shared a video of her pet ducks swimming in the family pool. The mum-of-five shared a sweet video of the ducks, writing: “It’s their pool now. We let the ducks have the first swims in the pool before we put the chemicals in & clean it. 

“Hope this brightens up your feed today…I could watch them play all day it’s so beautiful. Joe’s fuming the ducks get better poolside snack & drink service than him.” 

WATCH: Stacey Solomon reveals hotel-worthy pool for pet ducks at Pickle Cottage

Although plenty of followers loved the sweet content of the fluffy ducks playing in the pool, others were quick to worry about the chemicals used in the pool, with one writing: “With chlorine in the pool not a good idea,” while another person wrote: “How will you stop them going in once you're all in it? They'll be desperate to come play.” 

© Instagram/Stacey Solomon

Stacey Solomon's ducks loved the swimming pool

A third person added: “Cute! Won’t they want to go in there though when the chemicals are in, and won’t understand why they can’t.” However, plenty of Stacey’s followers defended her, with one writing: “It literally says in the caption, first swim BEFORE the chemicals!” 

Another person added: “You do not know the preventative measures that are/will be put in place. I'm certain the family have everything under control.” 

Stacey was defended by fans

Stacey later shared an Instagram story of the ducks, revealing that the cute pets will have their very own pond instead of swimming in the pool. She wrote: “Honestly I can't wait to finish their pond! I could watch them swimming all day!” 

Stacey regularly shares photos from her gorgeous home, and opened up about how she wants to spend more time there with her family as a stay at home mum. Speaking on the Glad We Had This Chat podcast, she said: “I don't want to miss what I potentially feel like I missed with my older children. And I want to be there for my older children, who I think need me now more than ever. I've been battling with that in my head.

© Instagram

The star opened up about being a stay-at-home mum

“Every year I have a team meeting with my agent and everyone on the team to say ‘What's your plan, what's your goals, blah, blah, blah’. And this year when they asked me my five-year goals, I was like, ‘I want to be a stay-at-home mum’. That is like my dream, my ultimate dream. I just want to be with my kids.” 

Stacey has five children

She added: “I mean it is conflicting, because I also want to fulfil my dreams and my goals and the things that I'm passionate about, because if I don't have that, will I feel unfulfilled? So what I'm trying to do at this point is make sure everything that I work on I can work on 90% of the time at home. And then just do passion projects outside of the house, and then try and be around for them more.” 

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