A positive attitude encourages positive things to happen. Well, that's the theory. But what happens when we're extremely positive about negative things? What if we believe that something is true and worthwhile, but it's not? We'd go through life happily and, for a while, we might be fine. But eventually, we'd realise that we'd trapped ourselves in a web of our own misunderstanding. It's worth blending a little caution with any enthusiasm today. The link between Mercury (ideas) and transformative Pluto deepens your understanding.
The universe speaks a secret language written just for you. To truly understand your place in the cosmos, you must first understand yourself. Your Sun-sign is merely the doorway - your complete birth chart reveals the entire cosmic blueprint of your destiny. Unlock the full picture that may transform your entire life's journey. Claim your personal celestial map now!
March 24, 2025
If you look at a something through binoculars or a telescope, instead of getting clearer, the object sometimes seems to distort. Until we get the focus right, it can bear little resemblance to itself; if we didn't already know what it was, we'd have real trouble working out what we were looking at! A similar principle can be applied to life. Our first assessment of a situation isn't always accurate. We need to take time to focus on it before we can understand what's going on. Today's cosmic climate brings a spark of helpful insight... and clarity.
March 23, 2025
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Which direction are you heading towards? What are your dreams and your passions? Even if you've figured out the answers to these questions, that's only the first step. The next, is to formulate a process, a procedure, a strategy. Yet, when there's so much going on in your world, it's hard to prioritise the time to consider your own needs. And it's hard too, to create a workable structure when you're only just coping with daily demands. Yet this week, as retrograde Venus changes signs, if you pause, an inspiring plan will come to you.
March 22, 2025
Your Weekly Horoscope: Elections enable us to have a choice over the people who make the rules we live by. We might not like what's going on, but, in theory at least, we have some say. But when it comes to social protocols, we don't seem to have any influence whatsoever! What, for example, makes things like clothes and diets go in and out of fashion? The people who decide these trends are harder to identify. This week, with retrograde Venus (love and pleasure) moving into sensitive Pisces, trust your judgment. Your insights can be trend-setting.
March 21, 2025
You've been dealing with the effects of Mars in your sign for a while. First, it powered you forwards. Then, when it turned retrograde, you felt as if you were running through sand. Now, you're on the move again. Great. Except the whole process is turning out to be a bit energy-sapping. The legacy of the Equinox brings a chance to rebalance your priorities. This weekend, try letting yourself off a few hooks and taking some time to consider your own needs. You'll find the clarity you need to set an agenda for yourself that works.
March 20, 2025
If you're on a long journey, and have been zooming along a motorway for a few hours, it can take time to readjust to slower speed limits. Similarly, if you've been travelling, and are used to dealing with unfamiliar situations, you need time to readjust on your return. You've been on alert for problems for so long that you've forgotten what life without them feels/looks like. The Equinox marks a turning point in your world. It's an opportunity to let go of an old thinking pattern and give yourself the space to enjoy a more positive outlook.
March 19, 2025
If you stretch a piece of elastic as far as you can, and then release one end of it, it will ping back at speed. The same principle applies to the mechanics of a bow and arrow; when the bow is released, the arrow shoots forwards. As we move towards the Equinox, you can utilise the movement of dynamic Mars, and direct your energy in a more focused direction. Think about what you're aiming for. If you've got a clear target in mind, you'll be able to implement action that takes you closer towards it, with surprising speed.