We know that having a positive mindset and being able to 'seize the day' is advantageous. We understand that it's up to us to maximise every moment and appreciate everything that life brings our way. But it's easier said than done. When so much seems out of our control, it's easy to feel as if the day has already been seized by someone/something else! Yet days don't work like that. As retrograde Mercury conjoins with the Sun, it enables you to see how your recent hard work has paid off. A small but significant victory is in sight.
Your birthright awaits discovery! To truly navigate your path and understand your soul's purpose, you need your complete cosmic profile. This isn't generic guidance - this chart is exclusively about Access your celestial birthright immediately!
March 23, 2025
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Sometimes, we're so absorbed by what we're doing that we forget that we're supposed to be doing something else. We've all done this. Lost ourselves in the moment, lost track of time, and forgotten a meeting or an appointment. Usually there's little harm done. But for an organised, reliable Capricorn, it can be more than embarrassing. It can be a sign. Are you more distracted than usual? If you find yourself being side-tracked this week, don't be hard on yourself. You need to switch off from time to time. You'll benefit from this process.
March 22, 2025
Your Weekly Horoscope: Imagine not having any major concerns to worry about. Would that suggest shirking your responsibilities? Or working less hard? Being a conscientious Capricorn, you always put the effort in. In fact, you're so used to being responsible and investing all your energy, that it's second nature to you. This week though, retrograde Venus' move into Pisces reminds you of your vulnerability. It's good timing. It's the encouragement you need to take a weight off your shoulders, put your feet up, and treat yourself. You deserve it.
March 21, 2025
The aftermath of the Equinox has left you in a precarious position. It's almost as if you're dangling over the edge of a metaphorical cliff. Yikes. When we find ourselves in challenging situations, it's entirely normal to feel indecisive. When our courage is in our boots, it's hard to figure out a brave way to respond. Even the slightest move seems to risk making the situation more perilous. Yet you're being protected by a kindly cosmos. The Venus/Pluto link provides you with a celestial safety net. This weekend, you can let a worry go.
March 20, 2025
They say 'hope springs eternal'. Which is excellent news. If there's a well of positivity we can draw on, surely, we can lower a bucket and fill it with all the optimism we need? You're searching for a solution to a dilemma that involves someone who's struggling to find perspective. Their anxiety is making it hard to progress. You know how to help them see things from a better standpoint; but they're not listening to your advice. Try again today. The Equinox is a time of balance. There's a good chance they'll be able to hear you.
March 19, 2025
Age is complicated. It's much more than the number of years we've been alive on planet Earth. Some children are wise beyond their years. And some adults, who are well into their twilight years, enjoy nothing more than a good squabble - just like a teething two-year old! No matter our age, it's never too late to discover information that throws new light onto an old challenge, and enables us to understand it in a more insightful way. The Equinox brings exciting insight. Keep an open mind. And get ready to be inspired.
March 18, 2025
The problem with our memory-storage system is that once we forget something, we forget that we've forgotten it! Which means we can't be sure that we ever knew it in the first place! You're a Capricorn. You're not used to experiencing forgetfulness. You're the person who people count on to know what's going on and have all the relevant intel. Yet the fact that you're less organised than usual is positive. Mercury retrograde is enabling you to clear the decks so that you're ready and prepared for the Equinox mental 'reboot'.