Life-changing 'eureka' moments always happen at the most unexpected times. Do we have any way of increasing the possibility of them happening in our world? Yes, we do. And today, as your ruler, retrograde Mercury, links with the Sun, is a day with that kind of potential. In regard to your current challenge, a change of approach will open the door to new possibilities. There is every reason to hope for an inspiring insight that enables you to take action that enables you to sort it out... in a surprisingly delightful way.
The universe speaks a secret language written just for you. To truly understand your place in the cosmos, you must first understand yourself. Your Sun-sign is merely the doorway - your complete birth chart reveals the entire cosmic blueprint of your destiny. Unlock the full picture that may transform your entire life's journey. Claim your personal celestial map now!
March 23, 2025
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: One of the advantages of streaming films, TV shows, and music is that the providers know what we like, and suggest other content we might enjoy. Of course, there's a downside; if we're not careful, we cocoon ourselves in an environment where we're never pushed to try new experiences. The danger is that we end up in an echo chamber, only exposed to views we share. This week brings opportunities to expand your social network. If you broaden your horizons, you'll open a door that leads to exciting new connections.
March 22, 2025
Your Weekly Horoscope: How are we supposed to handle problems that seem forced on us? If they don't stem from something we've done, how can we take control and begin sorting them out? Well... it's a good idea to take a rain check and think things through. Seeing ourselves as a victim of circumstance can be comforting; but it stops us from acknowledging the full extent of our power. And sometimes, we can't see the part we've played. With retrograde Venus changing signs, by establishing the truth you'll bring more harmony to your week.
March 21, 2025
Sometimes it's good to be reminded of your tendency to be hard on yourself. You set yourself high standards. You don't like making mistakes, and do your best to avoid misunderstandings. And since you're ruled by the planet of the intellect, you usually succeed. But when Mercury is retrograde, you can turn your critical faculties onto yourself. Instead of accepting that everyone makes the occasional mistake, your inner critic is swift to attack. If you cast that voice aside this weekend, a miscommunication issue will resolve.
March 20, 2025
You're excited by challenges. When new possibilities arise, you feel motivated. The problem is that right now, everything is so unsettled you're unsure about where to direct your energy. You've been caught up in a stressful situation for a while. And in an ideal world, you'd like it to resolve so that you can move on. Yet, it's hard to know what to do to instigate change and enable it to reach a conclusion. The issue is that you're not in possession of all the facts. The Equinox brings an insight that enables you to make a proactive decision.
March 19, 2025
Some people have extraordinary memories. The character Mr Memory, in the classic movie The Thirty-Nine Steps, is based on a real-life music hall personality called Datus. He was famous for his ability to recall all sorts of facts from the past. Yet even people who can absorb this kind of intel with ease probably forget the occasional appointment. Or where they've put their keys! The coming Equinox brings a development which triggers a memory. It holds an important (and helpful) realisation which you've overlooked.
March 18, 2025
Our cosmos is composed of trillions of teeny, tiny particles - so tiny that even the most powerful microscopes can't see them. It's so mind-blowing, it's hard for us to comprehend that they're the building blocks of everything we see. But do we really need to understand? Not unless we happen to be physicists! The rest of us work on a more tangible, perceivable level. We're more concerned with how things make us feel. If you delve to the heart of an issue today, you'll discover something that's easy to overlook. It's inspiring.