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Libra forecast for Monday March 24, 2025

Cainer Horoscopes
Cainer Horoscopes
Updated: 1 day ago
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Thinking about doing something and taking action are very different processes. Sometimes, like a Venn diagram, they overlap. And sometimes, they don't. But it gets particularly complicated when we think we're doing one thing, yet it looks very different to what someone else thinks we should be doing. Yet, isn't that their problem? Why do we bother wasting our thoughts on what we think other people are thinking?! As retrograde Mercury and the Sun link, focus on whether your actions reflect your truth. Then, do what's right for you.

Your birthright awaits discovery! To truly navigate your path and understand your soul's purpose, you need your complete cosmic profile. This isn't generic guidance - this chart is exclusively about Access your celestial birthright immediately!

March 23, 2025

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We find it easy to look at other people's situations and relationship dynamics and find things to criticise. Looking in from the outside, we can see what they could do to improve their lives. That clarity comes from being slightly removed; we can see the bigger picture. It is, of course, much harder to sort out our own issues. This week, with your retrograde ruler, Venus, moving into Pisces, friendly advice, from someone unexpected, is worth serious consideration. Even if you don't like everything you hear, a solution will emerge.

March 22, 2025

Your Weekly Horoscope: The road ahead might not look dramatically different. From where you're standing, it's easy to think that it's a continuation of what you're currently experiencing. Yet your expectations are key. Are you anticipating heading onwards and upwards? Or downwards and out? This week, with your retrograde ruler, Venus, changing signs, you're reminded of your power to influence the people around you. If you find the courage to articulate your desires, you'll be on the way to carving a path forward, that leads towards a bright future.

March 21, 2025

Folk stories and history books remind us about the perils of pushing our luck too far. They're filled with tales of people who misuse their power and fail to treat other folks with the respect they deserve. But there are lots of stories about kindness and generosity too. Surely these actions are the ones we should commemorate and hold up as examples of how to live the best kind of life? Even though your actions might not make news headlines this weekend, by being generous with your time, you can make a difference to someone's life.

March 20, 2025

Obviously, it's impossible to fly without some kind of assistance. With no engine, or a balloon, or a parachute, you can't get off the ground. Yet, just because some things are impossible, doesn't mean you don't have the ability to do things that other people consider to be unachievable. It's just that they haven't benefitted from your past experience. You've gained awareness that privileges you with an understanding that someone in your world doesn't have. On this Equinox day, you can use it with great effect. It's time to fly!

March 19, 2025

Love. Harmony. Peace. Surely everyone wants more of these in their life? Yet many of us, who desire these qualities, find them hard to manifest. Being ruled by Venus, it's clear that they're right at the top of your agenda. It's hard to believe that anyone prioritises misery, disappointment and chaos. But maybe we don't all share the same goals? As we move towards the Equinox, when the Sun moves into your opposite sign, you can achieve more of what you truly desire. Follow your intuition and a delightful opportunity awaits.

March 18, 2025

You're not happy about an aspect of the situation you're facing, but it feels like it's set in stone. So, does that mean you've got no choice but to accept it and find a way to live with it? Yet things aren't quite as obvious as they seem. Although you're feeling stuck, your position isn't as fixed as you fear. We tend to think that voices of authority need to be obeyed. Yet there are few occasions when we can't renegotiate our position. If you find the confidence to ask a difficult question today, you'll be delighted with the response.