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Pisces forecast for Monday March 24, 2025

Cainer Horoscopes
Cainer Horoscopes
Updated: 23 hours ago
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Surely you've got more important things to do than read your forecast today? In our busy world, where we're subjected to constant demands on our time and energy, it's not always easy to know what to prioritise and how to meet the various psychological and emotional pressures we're under. But taking some time out for yourself is vital. Even a moment or two devoted to thinking about your needs helps you find balance. And you're doing that right now! Excellent! If you can prioritise today, you'll make tangible progress.

The universe speaks a secret language written just for you. To truly understand your place in the cosmos, you must first understand yourself. Your Sun-sign is merely the doorway - your complete birth chart reveals the entire cosmic blueprint of your destiny. Unlock the full picture that may transform your entire life's journey. Claim your personal celestial map now!

March 23, 2025

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: "Instant karma's gonna get you, Gonna knock you off your feet." John Lennon sung about speedy cosmic justice. But the reality is that it's rarely instant. It tends to be a drawn-out process. Which is frustrating. It would be so much easier if consequences happened when we wanted them to happen. Similarly, when we request cosmic assistance, the help doesn't always arrive as fast as we'd like. Recently, you've asked for celestial help with a relationship issue. This week, with retrograde Venus moving into your sign, it's on its way.

March 22, 2025

Your Weekly Horoscope: Everyone wants their financial situation to improve. Everyone wants to be more emotionally secure. There will be moments, this week, when you feel uneasy about the situations you're dealing with. It might feel like you're setting out into uncharted territory, with only a sketchy map to follow. But if you trust that the celestial forces have got your best interests at heart (which they do), although there are challenges ahead, your ability to cope will bring a sense of self-confidence that will make you feel happier about your prospects, and safer.

March 21, 2025

People who work for big marketing companies and are particularly good at sales, are often employed to work with products or services that are of dubious quality. When something is excellent, it almost speaks for itself; its potential is apparent to any would-be customer. You can apply this logic to an idea that's being enthusiastically proposed to you. The Venus/Pluto link enables you to see the reality behind an idea that's being presented. If it seems too good to be true, it is! This weekend, make your choices for the right reasons.

March 20, 2025

The 'Golden Raspberry Awards' celebrate the movie industry's worst achievements. Believe it or not, some films are so bad they're actually good! In life too, the challenging, difficult parts sometimes turn out (to our surprise) to be positive. So, how should you approach a tricky situation in your world? Just because you're not enjoying what's unfolding doesn't mean it doesn't hold positive potential. If you choose not to get involved in a silly scenario this Equinox day, you'll create a narrative that has a very pleasing outcome.

March 19, 2025

"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream... life is but a dream." This song could be your theme tune today. As the Sun converges with your ruler Neptune, which is in your sign, your imagination is empowered. Although thinking that life is a dream is sometimes problematic - it can bring you down to earth with a bang, this is a time when focusing on your heartfelt desires should be your priority. It's safe, and appropriate to let your imagination run wild. In this cosmic climate, your dreams really do stand a chance of manifesting.

March 18, 2025

There are two different kinds of conversations. The first is the sort of exchange which involves sharing opinions and considering the options. The second appears similar to the first. But on closer observation, the people involved are speaking, but failing to listen to each other's views and ideas. There's no point wasting your time airing your thoughts when no one's paying attention. But you've got the power to change a dynamic today. if you focus on what you're being told, and look behind the words, you can fix a problem.