Your Weekly Horoscope: Something special is in the air. As your ruler, lucky Jupiter, links with Saturn, the cosmic teacher, you're being gifted with a chance to reflect on what holds the most potential in your life. The festive seasons brings its usual demands, which you always find a way to deal with. But this time, you'll find that the energy you invest is appreciated differently. Rather than being taken for granted (which often happens), you'll be valued. If you take this opportunity to generously share your talents, the rewards will be life-enhancing.
It will soon be the Solstice and as the rising sun 'changes direction' and begins to retrace its steps along the horizon, we are all at a turning point. For this special time, we're giving you the gift of a huge 50% OFF all of our Birth Charts
December 20, 2024
Your birthday season ends with a cosmic gift. Get ready to feel the beneficial effects of the Solstice. It brings the encouragement to look forwards to Christmas, and beyond, with a renewed sense of purpose. Yay! You'll be able to use your social skills to successfully navigate through any festive challenges in a way that enables those around you to enjoy themselves. You have the insight to see what other people are really looking for. Better communication is key to a Happy Christmas. And you can encourage that.
December 19, 2024
When we're all charging round caught up in the festive madness it's easy to feel like a drop in the ocean; we're so caught up in the Christmas machine, we forget how much influence we have on our world. But we're heading towards the Solstice; the magical moment when the Sun appears to stand still. It's like the cosmos pushes the pause button. If you press pause in your world, you'll reset your energy and tap into the spirit of the season. You matter. And if you know that, your contribution to Christmas will be extra-special.
December 18, 2024
With Christmas only six days away, you don't need me to tell you what's in store. You know what's heading your way... don't you? The approaching Solstice always leads to a time of celebration. We might be reaching the end of your birthday season but, in typical Sagittarian fashion, the closing ceremony, when the Sun appears to stand still in the sky, leads to days of joy and goodwill, when we try to put stress and worry aside and focus on the good things in life. This year, if you stay optimistic, you'll have extra magic to sprinkle.
December 17, 2024
If anyone enjoys the rollercoaster of life, it's you. Ruled by wise Jupiter, you understand the inevitability of life's ups and downs. But right now, you could do with a less action-packed ride. A pause, while your adrenaline levels sort themselves out, would be good. But at this time of year... there's little chance of that! Yet this experience is equipping you with a safety harness which will hold you in good stead throughout the festive season. You're acquiring the resources you need to be able to fully enjoy Christmas moments of fun.
December 16, 2024
You've noticed, I'm sure, how people tend to value the superficial and overlook the important? Our world, it seems, applauds ruthless drive and ambition and negates care and thoughtfulness. People do amazing things all the time. But their efforts rarely hit the headlines. Meanwhile other folk, who find themselves in the right place at the right time, are treated like royalty. You're doing something valuable. Even though you might not be getting the appreciation you deserve, know that you're doing the right thing.
December 15, 2024
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: I know it's a crazy time of year - not to mention your birthday season. But don't you deserve a break? Aren't you entitled to some light relief? Haven't you had enough stress recently? I hope your answer is 'yes', because this Full Moon week brings an opportunity. It's a gift you should accept and embrace. It might not solve every problem. But it will certainly help you to forget them for a while. There's something special for you to enjoy in your relationship world at the moment. Don't you owe it to yourself to make the most of it?