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Sagittarius forecast for Monday March 24, 2025

Cainer Horoscopes
Cainer Horoscopes
Updated: 21 hours ago
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When people are doing everything in their power to resist instigating a change, they can provide a plethora of reasons for why it's important to maintain the status quo. Sometimes, they invest so much energy into creating outlandish excuses that it would have been more efficient to make the change! For too long, you've been talked into believing that something is so deeply set in stone that there's no point hoping to influence it. But today brings a spark of inspiration. Question the unquestionable. You'll see how to make progress.

The universe speaks a secret language written just for you. To truly understand your place in the cosmos, you must first understand yourself. Your Sun-sign is merely the doorway - your complete birth chart reveals the entire cosmic blueprint of your destiny. Unlock the full picture that may transform your entire life's journey. Claim your personal celestial map now!

March 23, 2025

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'. It's a well-known phrase - used in lots of different songs. You could make it your maxim for the week ahead. Which doesn't, by the way, mean that you're in for a tough time. It's a message about empowerment. And you're in a strong position, which you need to consolidate. With retrograde Venus changing signs, you can call on past experiences and recalibrate your expectations vis-à-vis your relationship potential. A new beginning is possible. Your task is to follow your heart... and trust.

March 22, 2025

Your Weekly Horoscope: The situation you're dealing with feels familiar. There's something about it that's ringing bells in the back of your mind. Surely, then, there's no point repeating the experience? Insanity, after all, is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Yet, this week, as retrograde Venus moves into Pisces, an aspect of your past can reveal the key to a brighter future. For now, it's OK to stick with what you know. The emotions and memories you're experiencing are valuable. You can use them to make an inspiring, surprising choice.

March 21, 2025

Some people think that 'love' is the answer to everything. But it would (for example), be a strange response to the question 'what do you want for breakfast this morning?'! And, what about all the single people in the world? How do they feel about not having the love and support that, in an ideal world, we'd all have access to? Yet champions of love aren't talking about romantic love: they're talking about a generous, kindheartedness towards all humankind. In that context, it's the answer to everything this weekend.

March 20, 2025

Here one moment, gone the next. There's no getting away from the fact that life on planet Earth is transitory. We might want things to stay the same, but despite our best efforts, everything is subject to change. If we took a photo of the same scene every day, we'd soon have the proof of this. Yet even though we know it, life also creates an illusion of stability! Maybe, it does this in order to reassure us so that we're able to confront the reality of our lives? The Equinox inspires you to relax and go with the flow today.

March 19, 2025

Although you're reading an astrological forecast, a word of warning. Be wary of what other people in your world are predicting about your future at the moment. Basing your decisions on the prophetic powers of other folks, who have a vested interest in what you do, is unwise. They can't help but be influenced by their self-interest. And the plan you're considering might be making them feel insecure. So, trust your intuition. Keep your own counsel. And stay open to a delightful surprise. The coming Equinox brings positive affirmation.

March 18, 2025

'If you can keep your head when all around are losing theirs...', in the words of Rudyard Kipling, it's a sign of reaching maturity. But how are you meant to keep calm when you've got so many different issues to contend with? It's not just in your personal life either; what about all the global uncertainty? It's having an effect too. It's easy to feel overwhelmed. But you're a Sagittarian. You often walk along edges of precipices; it's just that right now, you're looking down rather than ahead. The Equinox will bring a welcome change of vista.