People who are averse to risk-taking are far from immune to risks. In fact, taking steps to keep trouble at bay inevitably causes trouble. And even if it was possible to keep your world enveloped in protective bubble-wrap, with no problems to contend with, you'd soon be bored. Life would be dull. Risky, dangerous, and unsettling though it can be, we all need change and uncertainty. Without it, we don't develop, deepen, and grow. Be sensible today. But don't lose the thrill of excitement; not when there's so much to be inspired by.
Still waiting for cosmic clarity? The stars have been patiently holding your personal message since the moment you were born. Treat yourself to the ultimate gift of self-knowledge - a revelatory, profound personal reading crafted exclusively for your unique birth moment. Receive your personal cosmic message today.
March 23, 2025
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: The quest for eternal life is as popular now as it ever was. We've all thought about the advantages and the disadvantages. But although it's hard to accept the fact that we're mere mortals with limited time on our ball of rock, it's natural and fitting. And it's why it's so important to value each moment - and treasure what we have. Being aware of our mortality reminds us to live in the here and now. Retrograde Venus' move into sensitive Pisces marks an ending and a beginning. You have a new canvas to work with. Enjoy!
March 22, 2025
Your Weekly Horoscope: We spend our time doing our best to avoid certain situations, while hoping to invite other situations into our world. This is more complex than we think. Since we don't always assess things correctly, we can end up inviting what we don't want. Or, worse, getting what we think we want, only to realise we've made a mistake. Which is why an element of doubt is helpful; it makes us rethink and reassess our motives and plans. This week brings a sign that you've done enough weighing up of the pros and cons. It's time to take action!
March 21, 2025
Whenever life feels unpredictable, it's an invitation to reassess the way we're treating our world, think about the ways we can right any wrongs we've made, and address the issues that are easy to ignore. It's hard to admit to having made a mistake. But the humility it takes comes hand-in-hand with a higher state of consciousness. Not that you've done anything wrong. In fact, as Venus links to your ruler, Pluto, this weekend brings reminders of why you deserve to be proud of yourself. Your consideration for others is paying off.
March 20, 2025
It's frustrating when we can't have what we want. But rather than give up, we can always reverse the psychology and try wanting what we've got. It might sound a bit defeatist... but there are advantages to this approach. By finding a way to appreciate what's happening in our lives, paradoxically, we're more able to hold onto our ambitions; we're still open to the options that come into our lives. The Equinox brings an opportunity to reset your expectations. If they're realistic, you can find ways to make them come true.
March 19, 2025
Back in the days of black and white movies, the narratives were less complex and the characters were easier to understand. The costume designers left us in no doubt that the good guys were good. And the bad guys were bad. These days, it's not so straightforward. Today's movies more accurately reflect what happens in real life; heroes and villains come in all sorts of guises and get-ups. No matter what outfit you choose to wear today, you've got star quality. As the Sun links with Neptune, you're shining. Make the most of it!
March 18, 2025
Successful animated films create characters that appeal to us. We take them to our hearts. The villains have just the right amount of evil about them. And we're never confused about whose side we're on; like in Westerns, operas and politics, the sides are clearly defined; they rarely meet in the middle. Life, on the other hand, is full of grey areas. It's much harder to work out what's right and what's not. Refrain from making a judgement today. Let things unfold and, by the Equinox, you'll be in a great position to make a decision.