Humans aren't easy creatures to live with. Actually, we don't even make life easy for ourselves. Think, for example, of your habit of holding yourself to such high standards. Recently, you've been battling against the odds to make progress with an idea. The plan involves other people, and there's been some disagreement about the best way to proceed. With retrograde Mercury linking to the Sun, you can encourage a dialogue that leads to a more collaborative path forward. Start by being kind and gentle to yourself.
Still waiting for cosmic clarity? The stars have been patiently holding your personal message since the moment you were born. Treat yourself to the ultimate gift of self-knowledge - a revelatory, profound personal reading crafted exclusively for your unique birth moment. Receive your personal cosmic message today.
March 23, 2025
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Some languages have words that can't be simply translated. Schadenfreude is a German word for the self-satisfying feeling that comes from witnessing someone else's troubles. It sounds mean. But the truth is that sometimes, hearing about other people's struggles helps us feel better about our own challenges. Someone's depressing outlook is having a big effect on your mood. This week, with your ruler, retrograde Venus, moving into Pisces, you can desensitise to their needs, and focus on yours. The results will be uplifting.
March 22, 2025
Your Weekly Horoscope: Although we all go through times when the cosmos brings challenges our way, and times when it brings opportunities, we've always got freedom of choice about how we respond/react. It doesn't just present us with a situation and leave us to deal with it. And when the choice isn't apparent, it's usually because we're feeling too disheartened to make a decision. This week, as your retrograde ruler moves into Pisces, it offers you a chance to reflect on your deepest desires. With clarity, you can start manifesting them.
March 21, 2025
If you know the story of 'Alice Through the Looking Glass', you'll remember a scene where Alice tells the Red Queen that she's hot and thirsty. The Queen offers her a dry biscuit, which Alice feels obliged to accept. Obviously, it exacerbates her problem! This kind of experience happens to all of us. It can be hard not to accept something from someone; even though we don't want it. Luckily, as your ruler links to transformative Pluto, even if you find yourself on a strange adventure, you'll be offered exactly what you need.
March 20, 2025
From a spiritual perspective, 'detachment' is the ability to free ourselves from our physical needs and desires. If we manage to practice it, we rid ourselves of the weight of the past and the burden of our future aspirations; and in theory, this enables us to catch a glimpse of the great mystery that lies beyond the everyday humdrum of our lives. Yet, while caring too much can lead to a loss of perspective, if we cut ourselves off entirely, we can become cold and unfeeling. The Equinox offers a chance to find a balanced approach.
March 19, 2025
Life is a constant learning process. We're continually being tested. But we never seem to get to a point where we graduate and can relax, knowing we've reached a level of learning, and can put our feet up. You're dealing with a series of baffling situations and are having to use all your past experience in order to work out the best thing to do regarding an important decision. You're weighing up the pros and cons. But you don't need an argument; you need agreement. And with the Sun linking to Neptune today, you'll get that.
March 18, 2025
What are you supposed to do when a recent development seems unfair? Should you put up with it? Or insist that the situation is reviewed and that everyone involved works for a more balanced outcome. It's hard, but it seems that this is part and parcel of life. As soon as we've overcome an injustice another springs up. The harder we work to vanquish inequalities, the more there seem to be. And you can't take on the world. You need support. Today brings someone you can team up with. A problem shared really is a problem halved.